Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Platy fish

There are two types of Platy, Xiphophorus maculatus and Xiphophorus variatus. Platys Swordtails and is closely related to Xiphophorus helleri and Xiphophorus maculatus will freely interbreed with Swordtails. The interfertility of variatus Xiphophorus with two other species may be less, but hybrids can occur. The Platies and Swordtails we buy are often not of pure species.
All three species from Central America. Variatus Xiphophorus, Platy Variatus commonly called, seems to be able to withstand the conditions a little cooler than the two other species, and may be more suitable for the tank is heated in a warm house than any other species, but all basically tropical fish. Platies tend to be shorter but thicker than Swordtails.
Water Conditions
Platy is a tropical fish and I recommend a temperature of 24 degrees C (75 degrees F). They prefer hard water with salt in it even though they are quite easy to adapt. Platy seems more able to survive higher Nitrite (NO2) levels than most fish, but these are usually to be avoided for all the fish.
Platy is omnivorous and will eat some algae and mosquito larvae live foods including (wrigglers) and Daphnia. They do well in all the normal fish food.
Platy is a peaceful fish and are good fish for a small peaceful fish community tank. This Platy Guppy did not have long fins and is a fast swimmer, so a friend who can cover some of the less aggressive fish that you will not be put with the Guppies. You need to avoid fish, large or aggressive predators.
Suitable companions include Rummy Nose Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Guppies, Guppies Endlers, neon tetras, Peppered Catfish, White Cloud Mountain minnows and Zebra Danios. Most of these fish will eat Platies baby.
Pest Fish
Never release your pet fish or put them in the position accidentally released. Platy has the potential to seriously damage the fragile ecosystem.

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