This is a fish, strong colors and very popular. They are one of the first tropical species to be kept in an aquarium, and have maintained their charm since then. Water conditions are not critical to breed platy and they will happily spawn in community tank.
Identifying the sex of fish is not very difficult. Adult male has a modified anal fin, tube-like structure called a gonopodium, while females have a fan shaped anal fin and the body is more rounded and is also usually larger than their male counterparts. Species will be easy so to avoid hybrid crossbreed they should be stored in a separate tank. Platys seem to breed easily without additional cooling but fed with live foods such as white worms, mosquito larvae and brine shrimp for a few weeks before spawning can help produce strong cooking, healthy.
In courtship the male will fan platy fins and positioned himself in front of the woman would then transfer the sperm from the gonopodium into the female hole. The gestation period is about twenty-eight days and grew more obese women develop a dark gravid spot in a color close to the time of delivery.
Just before birth the female can hide and be more quiet than usual, looking for a safe place to give birth. She also may leave the food at this time. This is when he can be removed for breeding trap or a separate tank to ensure the survival of fry. If he is left in the tank probably people who survive cooking is not great. Brood size varies and can range from just a few fried nearly a hundred, depending on many factors such as age, size and health of women.Identifying the sex of fish is not very difficult. Adult male has a modified anal fin, tube-like structure called a gonopodium, while females have a fan shaped anal fin and the body is more rounded and is also usually larger than their male counterparts. Species will be easy so to avoid hybrid crossbreed they should be stored in a separate tank. Platys seem to breed easily without additional cooling but fed with live foods such as white worms, mosquito larvae and brine shrimp for a few weeks before spawning can help produce strong cooking, healthy.
In courtship the male will fan platy fins and positioned himself in front of the woman would then transfer the sperm from the gonopodium into the female hole. The gestation period is about twenty-eight days and grew more obese women develop a dark gravid spot in a color close to the time of delivery.
If you are raising fry in community tank, they will need plenty of hiding places. A good cover crop is important, and fry "hideout", floating plastic plants, available at pet stores. This will provide them with a place to stay away from hungry tankmates. However, it is better if you can provide them with a tank of their own "grow-out" - a small tank, set up without substrate for easier cleaning, but with a heater and a good filter.
Fry should be fed frequently, four times a day for best growth. Baby brine shrimp and microworms, very good and they can take pieces of dry ground into a powder. Water conditions should be watched carefully as fried sensitive. Changes in water about 10-25%. The recommended daily water volume.
In about a month cycle will begin again and women will be ready to produce another batch of fries. In fact there is no male in the tank, single fertilization can produce up to six batches of fries.